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The Water War Crimes are the the crimes carried out by political, legal, judicial and business insiders, in Canada, who attempted to swindle control of a bulk water export monopoly over the export of fresh water from Canada to the United States and Mexico, the subsequent viscous personal attack on British Columbia lawyer John Carten by the Governments of Canada and British Columbia because, as a lawyer, he was embarked on a path that would expose their crimes that included a dispicable criminal attack upon Ms. Karen Gibbs and her children because she was assisting Mr. Carten at the time. From March 1, 2015, this blog will attempt to publish the ongoing posts on the New Developments page at the Water War Crimes web site. We attempted to do that in the past but missed a big chunk of time and hope to be able to keep it regular now that we have some extra time. The Water War Crimes web site tells the story in great detail and we add updates because the case is unfolding. The Canadian media will not report the story so we have used the internet to publicize the crimes by the insiders and the corruption in Canada's judicial, legal and political systems. In the process, we have systematically destroyed many of our enemies but the governments of British Columbia and Canada continue to refuse a fair and equitable settlement and we continue our quest for redress in Canada's crooked court system and so more insiders are compromised and then murdered or mysteriously drop dead. Twelve crooked judges involved were exposed as crooks and suddenly died. We think some of those judges were murdered. Six Chief Justices who manipulated the system against us were exposed and resigned, one was murdered and the other committed suicide. Politicians, lawyers and civil servants who abused their positions of power were exposed, resigned or, suddenly, dropped dead. The death toll now stands at over forty and is likely to rise. The list of the sudden deaths linked to the Water War Crimes is published on the web site page entitled the Graveyard of the Guilty.A remnant of the crooked political, judicial and legal insiders within the Governnments of Canada and British Columbia and some of Canada's most powerful law firms have effectively used their influence to manipulate Canada's judiciary to get the case thrown out without any hearing on its merits.
The insiders are desperate and periodically they lash out at Mr. Carten with illegal jailings, malicious prosecutions and other crooked legal tactics. In February 2016, the Law Society of British Columbia commenced a vile attempt to destroy Mr. Carten again because he was helping some people who were victims of a criminal lawyer / judge gang operating in the courts. This is a huge story that has been suppressed and mis-represented by the Canadian media and it continues to influence Canadian politics to this day.LEARN MORE BY VISITING THE WATER WAR CRIMES WEB SITEVisit
The Clerk of the Privy (secret) Council, the secret council that rules Canada, is Canada's top civil servant.
He or she knows all the secrets of the secretive Privy Council that governs Canada.
Due to his or her position, the Clerk of the Privy Council occupies a very important position especially during the transition period when a new government takes over.
Click here to learn more about the Privy Council of Canada
For this reason, the Ottawa Citizen and other media outlets expressed surprise that Janice Charette (shown in photo on left), who was appointed to the position in 2014 by Stephen Harper, was suddenly replaced during the World Economic Forum being held in Switzerland while Trudeau was in attendance.
According to the Ottawa Citizen it was "an unusual move",
"her abrupt departure was unexpected" and "the sudden announcement of Charette’s departure and Wernick’s promotion caused much chatter in public service circles"
The replacement Clerk is Michael Wirnick (shown in photo on right) who will fill three roles: deputy minister to the prime minister, secretary to the cabinet and head of the federal public service.
Since joining the federal public service in 1981, Mr. Wernick has worked at the Social Policy Division of the Department of Finance, Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada, the Economic and Regional Development Policy Secretariat of the Privy Council Office, and the Constitutional Affairs Secretariat of the Federal-Provincial Relations Office. From 1996 to 2003 he served as Assistant Deputy Minister and then as Associate Deputy Minister at the Department of Canadian Heritage.
From 2003 to 2006, Wirnick served three Prime Ministers, Chretien, Martin and Harper, as Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet at the Privy Council Office and was probably present in Kelowna when Paul Martin ran out the back door of his cabinet meeting when he learned that Mr. Carten amd Ms. Gibbs were waiting for him at the front door.
Click here to read more about Paul Martin and the Water War Crimes
Keystone has been cancelled, the price of oil has crashed, there are massive layoffs in Canada's oil industry and, as a consequence, the Canadian dollar has plummeted to 70 cents.
Sounds bad, eh?
But, think again.
Canada is moving forward on four massive water based energy and export projects that represent a total investment of $28 Billion in construction costs alone.
In a recent study of Canada's 100 top investment projects the top four projects are water / energy projects starting with the Site C Dam, soon to be called Dam Christy Clark or Christy Clark Dam (depending on your political allegiances) in British Columbia at $8.8 billion, (shown in photo on left) Muskrat Falls in Newfoundland and Labrador at $6.99 billion, (shown in photo 2nd from the left) to the Romaine Complex in Quebec at $6.5 billion, (shown in photo 3rd from the left) and the Keeyask Project in Manitoba at $6.5 billion (shown in photo on the right).
Each of these projects will deliver clean "water generated energy" for many decades to come with minimal harm to the environment of our planet.
Click here to learn more about Canada's top Investment Projects
By contrast, the much maligned Keystone Oil Project was projected to cost a mere $5.2 billion to complete and would have added greatly to the environmental destruction in Alberta, put at risk huge areas of land in the United States and contributed to global warming with the burning of fossil fuel.
The Site C Dam is uniquely positioned as a key reservoir in the soon to be developed North American Water and Power Alliance ( NAWAPA) which will divert clean fresh water from the Yukon British Columbia and Alaska through the Rocky Mountains to the southwestern United States and Mexico.
So, eventually, Site C, in addition to annual generating revenues from energy sales, will also be generating annual revenues from the sale of fresh water to the United States and Mexico.
All of this will, in the long term keep Canada afloat as Americans and Mexicans pour dollars and pesos into Canada to pay for the water diverted for their use and for the water generated electricity shipped south by transmission lines.
In turn, Americans and Mexicans will ship goods, especially the fresh fruit and vegetables, north to Canada which cannot grow many fruits and vegetables due to its hostile climate feed itself and some of those fruits and vegetable will be grown using clean Canadian water. At the same time, Canadians will be able to take winter vacations in warm southerly climates and play in pools and on golf courses kept operable by huge supplies of fresh Canadian water - a renewable resource that will, if properly managed, will keep Canada from for centuries to come.

It would be a mistake to think that these water based construction projects represent a loss to Alberta`s Oil Patch because the fact is that Alberta based companies have, so far, been awarded the two largest contracts connected with the Site C Dam.
In October 2015, it was announced that Alberta based Atco Ltd was awarded a $470 million contract to construction build worker accommodation at the Site C Dam.
Click here to read more about the $470 million Atco Ltd contract
In December 2015, it was announced that a consortium led by Alberta based Petrowest
Corp., along with its partners, Acciona Infrastructure Canada Inc. and Samsung C&T Canada Ltd., had been awarded the $1.75 billion construction contract at the Site C Dam.
Click here to read more about the $1.75 billion Petrowest contract.