Ross stated that the government "should provide access to our markets to those countries who play fair, play by the rules and give everybody a fair chance to compete. Those who do not should not get away with it -they should be punished and severely."
Prince Phillip is deeply connected to British Freemasonry that has penetrated the operations of the court systems of all of the Commonwealth countries and caused much mischief fixing cases, robbing people of their property, putting innocent people in jail and other civil discord including rigging the cases involving Sun Belt Water Inc., its lawyer John Carten, his colleague Karen Gibbs and a number of clients Mr. Carten has been helping in Canada where judges have been acting in a very bizarre and disturbing manner.
Recent correspondence to Queen Elizabeth concerning corruption in the Canadian courts being linked to Buckingham Palace remains unanswered but a copy was provided to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and BC Premier Christy Clark.
It was certainly a sudden and bizarre way to announced a retirement and looked more like an "emergency cover up" of some sort.
The fact that the announcement co-incided with the visit of former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien suggests the emergency retirement is connected to Canada.
Our sources say that Chretien was involved as an investor in W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd when he worked in private life from 1985 to 1992 at Lang Michener a law firm in Ottawa. It was during this period that shares in WCW were acquired by offshore investors in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland and London and we have been advised that the Queen Elizabeth was an investor which means she was acting contrary to her Coronation Oath - if she was so investing.
Click here to read more about the NAFTA Water War Crimes and the Royal family
Of course, the Prince could have been suddenly retired for a host of other reasons including his alleged links to paedophilia, ritual child sacrifice and other vices common among some of the world's elite families. Nonetheless the timing of the announcement and the visit of Jean Chretien suggests that the two are connected.