On Thursday morning, February 11, 2009, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Trade Minisder Stockwell Day were attending a meeting at the Federal Building at 300 West Georgia Street in Vancouver.
Sensing this might present an opportunity to have a brief chat with Mr. Harper or Mr. Day to update them on the dangerous tactics their Attorney General, Mr. Rob Nicholson, was using in the Federal Court, Mr. Carten wandered down to 300 West Georgia street, entered the building, and asked the lady attending at the reception desk if he could drop in to have a brief chart with either Mr. Harper or Mr. Day.
The lady advised he would need an escort to go upstairs to the meetingroom and placed a call for an escort. A few monents later, a tall, beautiful, blue-eyed, blond, woman appeared and asked why Mr. Carten wanted to speak to Mr. Harper or Mr. Day. She was handed a brief note to deliver to each of them and advised "they will know exactly who I am".
A few moments later, the police arrived, both the Vancouver City Police and the RCMP, they proceeded to interview Mr. Carten who told them the purpose of his visit and advised them to visit the WaterWarCrimes web site http://www.waterwarcrimes.com/ for background information.
The police conducted themselves well and Mr. Carten was advised by RCMP Sergeant Dave Williams that it would be impossible to visit with either Mr. Harper or Mr. Day because their schedules were completely booked. The Sergeant did advise he would personally see to it that the request got through to the appropriate people along with a telephone number in case they wished to contact him.
Mr. Carten advised them that nine judges had suddenly dropped dead, that he had been threatened with death, that crimes were committed and that they should read the web site page entitled The Grave Yard of the Wicked at the WaterWarCrimes web site.
Both the Vancouver City Police and the RCMP said they would look at the web site.
Mr. Carten thanked them and left without having the opportunity to warn Mr. Harper or Mr. Day of the consequences of the strategy Justice Minister Nicholson and their lawyers had adopted.
In September, 2005, Prime Minister Paul Martin and his people refused to respond to Mr. Carten's reasonable request to meet and resolve the Sun Belt claim so he decided to topple their government by giving Stephen Harper the information he needed to do it.
The trick with politicians is to give their enemies the club with which to beat them. Paul Martin learned that lesson the hard way.
At this time, Mr. Carten and Ms. Gibbs advise they have no desire to topple Mr. Harper's government although Mr. Harper's justice minister Rob Nicholson is on very, very, thin ice.
I find the information provided here is so vast it is hard to comprehend and even harder to believe that so many people in positions of trust can be so corrupt. While I'm not surprised that all these(lawyers/liars)are involved I'm deeply saddened by it all. I wish you much good luck in bringing this information to light - hopefully there will be a huge independent public inquiry. I'm not going to hold my breath. I think every person who reads this website should give your address to at least 10 other people While we still can). Sincerely, KRW Calgary