In the first week of June, 2010, Canadian Government TV newsman, Peter Mansbridge, (the man in the centre of the photo with the bald head), and British Columbia Premier, Gordon Campbell, (the man behind with his hands on his hips) were spotted attended the highly secretive Bilberberg Club meeting in Spain. The Bilderberg Club is reputed to secretly control governments.
A few weeks later, Canada's Security and Intelligence Director, Richard Fadden, shown left, caused a sensation in Canada by accusing some of Canada's provincial politicians, like Premier Campbell, of being under the control of foreign goverments.
Premier Campbell, known for selling off public assets at discount prices to foreign controlled corporations, is widely reputed to be the target of Fadden's remarks.
Not unexpectedly, Campbell launched a blistering attack on Fadden calling him "unprofessional".
The remark was laughable, coming from Mr. Campbell, shown right, who has a reputation for womanizing, public drunkenness and using public funds to pay for his mistress who earns over $150,000 as his Deputy Chief of Staff.
Premier Campbell continues to stonewall an investigation of whether or not he has been using public money to pay an huge public salary to his mistress who accompanies him on expensive junkets to foreign destinations.
Poliitcal observers predict that Premier Campbell will be forced from office in the coming weeks as the public grows increasingly disgusted at the flagrant conduct of both him and his mistress.
Premier Gordon Campbell and his gang have been covering up the Water War Crimes for almost a full decade by using government agencies to attack and discredit whistleblower lawyer John Frederick Carten who, along with his colleague Karen Gibbs, have launched an unprecedent lawsuit against Campbell and his colleauges in Canada's Federal Court - a court the "Campbell Gang" does not control. To date, twelve key witnesses and co-defendants in the lawsuit have dropped dead many succumbing to sudden unexpected heart attacks in circumstances that suggest murder in order to silence them.
Visit the Water War Crimes Web Site for More Information
Living my formative years under Communist regime and having an open mind; I learned how to read between the lines and follow the money. That healthy dose of skepticism saved me many disappointments in life and led to few discoveries. Let me share some comments on water war.
ReplyDeleteCanadians were always called by the British colonists, to be hewers of wood and drawers of water. There is a primal tendency among egotists — of acting like a gardeners dog, who would not eat apples but would not let anybody else to have them.
Personally I was amazed why leftist politicians would oppose selling water to people of California. Except greed similar to Virk-Basi scenario, there might be a political alliance and/or corruption. Green Peace did not give a damn about spotted owl or harvesting policy of MacMillan Bloedel. Even less about million unemployed forest workers in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia.
Their main (but hidden) agenda was to help their friends in Communist Russia and South Africa to become major producer of cellulose pulp, lower the value of Canadian Company and facilitate takeover by Weyerhouser. It is worth noting that forest practices of that American giant are no longer criticized; IWA never even complained about unfair labour practices, forget about a threat of general strike by stolen from Polish anti-Communists name Solidarity Coalition. There was a Social Credit government then. Down with common sense! Vive la Red Revolution!