In a coincidence that is not a co-incidence, at the same time that Prime Minister Trudeau was pulled out of Canada for instructions from Pope Francis, British Columbia Premier Christy Clark was pulled out of Canada to report to Queen Elizabeth in London, who some people say reports to Pope Francis, in Rome. Officially, Premier Christy Clark was invited to Buckingham Palace for a recognition ceremony Tuesday, March 15, 2016 to mark the preservation of rainforest on the B.C. Coast. but unofficially we all know something bigger is going on.
The premier's office admitted that this was the first time in more than 40 years that a B.C.
premier has been invited to an official function at Buckingham Palace which pretty well proves there is more going on than a ceremony about a forest.
Insiders report, like Pope Francis and his inner circle, Queen Elizabeth and her inner circle are completely shocked and dumbfounded that Donald Trump won the presidency of the United States and, like Pope Francis, they are moving to re-align their strategy to protect their business interests in Canada and especially British Columbia.
Premier Clark blundered during the election campaign by hurling a few insults at Donald Trump while the wily Queen Elizabeth, ever as wise as a serpent, knew enough to keep her mouth shut.
Earlier this week insiders at the Trump organization let it be known that that Trump intended to move quickly against the softwood lumber industry in Canada that is primarily located in British Columbia.
Exactly one week after a stunned, disbelieving and apprehensive Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau learned that, contrary to the advice of every single one of his advisors, Donald Trump had been elected as President of the United States Of American, Trudeau rushed to Cuba for private top level meetings with Raul Castro and Fidel Castro who are pals of Trudeau's deceased father, Pierre Trudeau.
Insiders report that Pope Francis sent agents to be at the meetings so that Trudeau could be given his top level secret instructions from the Jesuit Pope Francis who must now re-adjust Vatican policy in Canada to accommodate the newly elected American president who is widely considered to be a loose cannon on the international stage.Raul and Fidel Castro, Justin and Pierre Trudeau and Pope Francis all attended Jesuit schools and the meeting in Cuba is being viewed with suspicion by those who claim the Jesuits secretly run the world through their puppet Pope and a number of other organizations.

Trudeau left the summit in Cuba for meetings with the government of Argentina that is
more deeply tied to the Argentinian Pope and close to the secret bases in the Antartic where US Secretary of State John Kerry spent his time on election day which is a really strange place for a high level person like Kerry to go on such an important day. Kerry's bizarre visit to the south pole on election day USA has spawned a number of conspiracy theories that are outside the scope of the conspiracy exposed on these pages.
However, if any of those theories are right, they may assist to explain what Trudeau is doing near the south pole a week after Donald Trump was elected president.
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