Observers have noted Campbell to be suffering from a stress induced mental disorder related to the timing of his retirement.
Then there is the unregistered alleged lobbyist, Patrick Kinsella, whose firm the Progressive Group advised W. C. W, Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd. to persuade the Government of Bill Vander Zalm to grant it a monopoly on bulk water exports by destroying all competition through the use of a device known as a moratorium. Kinsella is a probable witness in the BC Rail Corruption trial

And then there is Paul Fraser, the lawyer for W.C.W. western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd. who assisted that company negotiate special rights for access ot water from export in a deal that violated the BC Water Act, the BC Financial Administration Act, the GATT, the Free Trade Agreement and the Sherman Anti Trust legislation in the USA.
Paul Fraser's law firm subsequently hired Colin McIver, Jack Ebbels (now deceased) and Lloyd Axworthy all of whom are linked to the Water War Crimes
Paul Fraser's current job is protector of Government secrets as Freedom of Information Commissioner and deflector of criticism as Conflicts of Interest Commissioner.
But, don't forget Brian Smith, the Attorney General for British Columbia, who, without any railway or business experience, was rewarded with the position of Chairman of CN Rail in November, 1989, a few short weeks after the Ministry of the Attorney General approved the deal Paul Fraser negotiated for his client W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd.
The appointment sure looked like a pay off but Brian Smith is innocent until proven guilty. Watch for pay offs resulting from the sale of BC Rail to CN Rail. Or was the pay off already made when CN Rail appointed David McLean, another lawyer with no railway experience to the high position of Chairman?
We should not forget former Chairman of CN Rail, Paul Tellier. CN Rail eventually was selected as the buyer of BC Rail. CP Rail pulled out of the bidding process because CP felt the game was rigged. Paul Tellier was Clerk of the Privy Council in Ottawa when Brian Smith, a man with no railway or business expereince, was selected to be Chairman of CN Rail.
In 1992, Paul Tellier was made President of CN Rail and he oversaw the privatization of that company. Paul Tellier stepped down as President of CN Rail a few months before the RCMP investigation of the BC Government was revealed to the public. Did Tellier have advance knowledge and from whom?
And there is Martyn Brown, who was a Social Credit intern when the Water War Crimes were underway from 1988 to 1991 and who became Gordon Campbells Chief of Staff in 1998 - a position he has never left.
And then there is the lady, Lara Dauphinee, pictured right who shares office space with Martyn Brown as Deputy Chief of Staff to Premier Campbell. Allegedly Lara is Gordon Campbell's secret mistress but some suspect she is actually a mole placed in his office by the RCMP, Lady Lara was not part of the BC Government when the Social Credit embarked on the Water War Crimes but her e-mails show up in the BC Rail Corruption Case and she may prove to be a very forthcoming witness in the upcoming trial - if properly cross examined by defence counsel.
Photo verification is in progress
For more information readers are referred to the Water War Crimes Web Site
For documentary proof of crimes of fraud, perjury and obstruction of justice readers are referred to the Sun Belt Water Web Site
For more information on Lady Lara Gordon Campbell's Alleged Mistress readers are Referred to Gordon Campbell's Mistress Web Site