Click here to go to Vancouver Sun Report
Vancouver Sun reporter, Johnathon Fowlie, suggests that Premier Campbell's recent unprecedented trip to Europe with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, on May 6, 2010, was a step in the process of removing the embarassment of Gordon Campbell from the public stage. What Mr. Fowlie did not report was that Campbell was allegedly accompanied by the same mistress / escort / concubine - Lara Dauphinee - who is the focus of the conflict of interest investigation and another young woman on Mr. Campbell's payroll whose reason for travelling with Mr. Campbell was not made clear.
Meanwhile on Friday, May 21, 2010 , the Office of the Members Conflict of Interest Commissioner confirmed that Commissioner Paul Fraser - an old pal of Premier Campbell and a key figure in the Water War Crimes was reviewing the complaint that Premier Gordon Campbell had used his high office to confer a lucrative salary in excess of $150,000 and other benefits upon his mistress, escort and concubine - Lara Dauphinee.
Click here to visit Conflict of Interest Commissioner
In a related story Mr. Campbell a Minister of the Crown in Australia resigned because he used a government car to travel to a gay night club and, according to sources, had to quit over the revelations - believing he had the choice of either dying slowly or dying quickly.
Click here for Story Why Did Mr. Campbell Resign
G Cambell is in Spain, at the Bilderberger meeting as I write this!!!